
Getting prepared for life after Sixth Form with a Post 18 Day

Getting prepared for life after Sixth Form with a Post 18 Day

As part of our Careers programme to prepare all students for when then leave school or Sixth Form, this week, the whole of our Year 12 cohort had a full day of engaging activities and workshops focusing on Post 18 options and life after Sixth Form.

These were delivered by external speakers from various universities plus the ASK Apprenticeship Service and the workshops included:

  • What course should I do? (Sheffield Hallam University)
  • Student Life (University of East Anglia)
  • Student Finance & Budgeting (University of Northampton)
  • Personal Statement Writing (University of Nottingham)
  • Apprenticeship, CVs & Applications (ASK Apprenticeship Service)

Whilst over two thirds of our students will choose to study a degree at university, many students may also decide to take a gap year (deferring before university), embark on apprenticeship or start full-time employment. Whatever option students decide, we aim for everyone to be prepared so they do not leave it until the last minute.

SLAT Sixth Form Student Destinations

After half term, the Sixth Formers will have an intervention programme during tutor time where they will start work on their Personal Statements and preparing for university, apprenticeship and employment applications. We also encourage students to use the opportunity during Independent Study Lessons (ISL) or free periods to finalise their Personal Statements.

It is important students take the time to research their options so they can make the best informed choices as these next steps will shape their future careers.

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